Sunday, July 8, 2012

retro air jordans Chinese people like to get something unrealistic

Now drink oolong tea, oolong tea beverage is said sales in Japan each year to more than millions of tons.
I put down the drink, with a smile: flat Zewei male Dr., the one developed by the Institute out of a dig ice machine, so that we can enter the ice, the direct study of the continent under the Antarctic ice sheet.
You say the things Chinese people called the Tang research? The enthusiasm of the level Zewei male face I do not know how even faded.
I do not understand so the asked: how? Do you know?
Yes, this young man once came to me, I hope I can provide funding. I had seen his design, although in principle possible, but there are many places is almost impossible to solve the problem, so I did not agree to. The level Zewei men and some scorn said: Chinese people like to get something unrealistic, but also always thought that good things.
Such contempt for the Chinese people see the old guy, my mind could not help but some angry, but now is not angry occasion, I quietly said: level Zewei male Dr. unrealistic things you said we have successfully developed a, so I hope to organize a mission to carry out field trials.
The old guy surprised a moment, said: Really? Power supply is how you solve it?
You do not know that Japan has recently developed a high-power fuel cell? I am a little mischievous asked.
Really? It is really good news. Samsam old man said, seems to feel just a little too arrogant.
I sternly said: flat Zewei male Dr.,retro air jordans, I am willing to support five billion yen for the visit was paid ten million yen per person for up to 50 volunteer staff, on condition that must in semi- months to complete all preparatory work.
The old guy heard this figure, almost leapt from his seat. To know that many Antarctic expedition funds, but because many devices are already available, throughout the Institute's annual research funding is not to figure. Once to sponsor so many funds available to participants a rich reward, this is simply to give these scientists the chance of getting rich.
In this way, but I must also be approved, to know that our research ship must go through the waters of many countries,custom baseball jersey builder, the visit was not approved by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs would be difficult to make the trip. The level Zewei men look embarrassing said.
To see his face, I know that the initiative now lies in my hands, then smiled and said: These problems require you to go and worry about the return, I will provide fifty million yen as a reward for you alone.
If I have just promised money, just let the income of the Institute, so this added weight is directly related to the vital interests of the the level Zewei men. Such a great temptation, the old man no dignity, nor a scholar should be restrained.
Please be assured that within two weeks, we must make all preparations, flat Zewei men try to control the emotions, but the voice still trembling.
I know things have almost the same, then leave a business card to leave the Institute. Although it was late, we fly back to Sapporo, then took the men back the same night on the River.

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